During the test, please be aware of the following points:
1. The test consists of 44 questions. Please try to complete it within 20 minutes, otherwise, your data may not be saved (a timer is displayed in the top right corner);
2. Answer according to your actual situation. Just give your true response. If you encounter a question that's difficult to decide on, please answer based on your first instinct. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential.
① This test takes5-10 minutes.
② Due to the large number of questions, it may take a few seconds to load. It is recommended to test under good network conditions.
③ To ensure accuracy, please answer according to the actual situation. After the answer is completed, a professional evaluation report will be generated.
Due to the complexity of each individual's psychological characteristics and the limitations of the reliability and validity of the evaluation itself, the evaluation results are for reference only~