Love IQ Test: How Smart Are You in Relationships?

Evaluation introduction

What makes a good lover? It's not just about having good looks or promising to love someone forever. As Julian Cheung once said on a show, everyone ages, so how beautiful can a beautiful woman be? It's normal to be attracted to an 18-year-old girl who looks like an angel, but think about her at 48. Can it always be a honeymoon phase? Impossible. Instead, it's better to store those feelings in a different form in your mind.

Look at the couples and lovers on the streets, indifferent like strangers. You'll realize that love isn't just about feelings; conflicts and contradictions will inevitably dilute the initial passion and sweetness. To make a relationship grow stronger and closer, what we need is to increase our romantic intelligence and become a smart lover.

This assessment evaluates your romantic intelligence in five areas: emotional management, expression of feelings, empathetic concern, and more. Not only can you discover your romantic IQ and see if you qualify as a good lover, but you'll also gain insights into your behaviors in love and the reasons behind them. Additionally, the results will offer suggestions to help you become a smarter lover.

Note: This assessment is primarily intended for people who have experienced romantic relationships.

Testing instructions

① This test takes5-10 minutes.

② Due to the large number of questions, it may take a few seconds to load. It is recommended to test under good network conditions.

③ To ensure accuracy, please answer according to the actual situation. After the answer is completed, a professional evaluation report will be generated.

Due to the complexity of each individual's psychological characteristics and the limitations of the reliability and validity of the evaluation itself, the evaluation results are for reference only~
