Love Attitude Assessment: How Your Perspective Shapes Your Romantic Self

Evaluation introduction

Product Review Introduction
Why can't two people in love make it work?

The sustainability of a relationship is not only determined by the depth of affection between two individuals but also by how aligned their fundamental values are. If one person is willing to make sacrifices for the other, who in turn does not value these efforts as much, the relationship becomes unbalanced;

If one person believes love is paramount, while the other sees it as just an accessory to life, the more they love, the more exhausting it becomes.

In love, understanding each other's core values is a critical step. Those lacking in love experience often find themselves at a loss when facing problems in a relationship; conversely, those with abundant love experience might overestimate their understanding of love. Knowing so many principles, yet still failing to maintain a single relationship. Good love is not about how hard you love. If you don’t even understand what matters to you, how can you understand your partner? To embark on a relationship that doesn’t end in breakup, start by understanding your own attitude towards love.

Testing instructions

① This test takes5-10 minutes.

② Due to the large number of questions, it may take a few seconds to load. It is recommended to test under good network conditions.

③ To ensure accuracy, please answer according to the actual situation. After the answer is completed, a professional evaluation report will be generated.

Due to the complexity of each individual's psychological characteristics and the limitations of the reliability and validity of the evaluation itself, the evaluation results are for reference only~
